LSAT Exam Preparation & Best Practices to Score High

What is the LSAT exam?

Law School Admission Test or the LSAT as it is common known is a standardized admission test for all law schools approved by the American Bar Association apart from a large number of law schools in Canada and many non- ABA approved law colleges in the United States of America. The exam tests one’s reading, reasoning and verbal skills and the scores are one of the major assessing tools for screening of eligible candidates for admissions into law programmes across the USA and Canada.

What is the exam structure of LSAT?

The LSAT test has the following sections:

1.     Two Logical Reasoning Sections ( To test your reasoning skills)

2.     One reading Comprehension Section which has 4 half page long reading passages (To test the reading skills)

3.     Four logic games in one analytical reasoning section

4.     One experimental section

Each sections of the above might have anywhere between 22-28 questions and each section is 35 minutes long. There is also a writing section which is not a part of your final LSAT score which also happens to be 35 minutes long.

How do I register for the LSAT?

Law School Admission Council conducts LSAT examination and one needs to register online and set up an account with LSAT to appear for the examination.

How do I prepare for LSAT?

LSAT preparation is lot of hard work and one can start by assessing where they stand by taking sample LSAT test and scoring themselves at the beginning of their prep period. It helps one understand their areas of strength and weakness and go ahead accordingly. Test taking under timed conditions should be an important part of your prep routine at regular intervals and bring a study partner into play to keep a tab on the progress you make. A study group working on LSAT prep courses can also be an effective method to keep a tab on your progression in the prep calendar. To find a study buddy or a study group near you, sign up on today!

When is the LSAT test conducted?

The test is held every three months—4 times a year in the months of February, June, September/October and December. If the test dates announced by LSAC is a Saturday, Sabbath observers are given a chance to appear on the next Monday, on production of proper documentation.

What to expect on the LSAT exam day?

 The LSAT exam taker must carry the admission ticket, identification, Pencils and erasers. All the answers need to be recorded in pencil on the answer sheet, including the writing section. For the break, the test takers can carry snacks, liquid in plastic bottle, medicine and other hygiene products that will be stored in a ziplock bag under their chair. Analog watches are also allowed for keeping time.

 Where can I access sample tests for LSAT prep?

 The LSAC website provides free sample LSAT tests and LSAT questions for practice. There are also several online resources you can access for free.

Why is the writing sample not included in LSAT scores?

The writing sample is sent to all the schools you apply to along with your schools and they can make the call to analyze it for admissions if need be. But since he schools already have writing sample in SOPs you send, there is rarely a case where they consider it as an admission factor. It is just a measure for the schools to verify that the writing style in the SOP and your test is the same.

What is LSAT passing score?

Though there is no absolute passing score, most law school acceptance scores range between 155 and 166.



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