Category Archives: superfoods

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6 Hacks to Maximize Your Study Time

In this day and age of multi-tasking, it is rarely ever easy to focus on just one thing at a time. A fast-paced routine sets us up for a life on the racing tracks, and we learn how to be the Master of all, and the Jack of none. These are tips and tricks to being successful, as the road leading to success is a very unpredictable one. But, out of all the roads to success, one remains constant, and that is STUDYING. Contrary to the multi-tasking lifestyle that we lead, studying demands focusing on one thing at a time. Constant devotion of time and attention to a singularly tracked […]

4 Study snack recipes for Smarter studying

                                                           [metaslider id=630] Studying for a test is an uphill task in itself and nobody knows those random hunger paws sabotaging the entire plan for extensive studying better than us. To help you grab something more than the decaf coffee you slowly sip upon to keep your eyes open and at least eat something more than the baseless midnight bowl of bland instant noodles, has brought to you 4 great delicious recipes that will keep you full between those gruesome study hours with almost zero efforts from your end. The Legendary Chickpea Roast Basically, this comes as a healthy alternative to the baseless chips snacking we all do once […]

Amazing superfood hacks for study group sessions

Moina Oberoi, celebrated food photographer, stylist, writer and recipe developer gives us her tips on how to keep you going during your study sessions. I am often hungrier while writing an article about food rather than while I’m cooking it. Thinking can make us pretty hungry. According to medical researchers, our brain cells need double the energy as the other cells in our body, causing our body to crave food to restore this energy during intellectual activities like test prep. So if you are preparing for standardized tests and often get the munchies, it is merely your brain insisting on a glucose boost. Sorry to be a damper on a […]