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After going through a rigorous preparation for CAT, CMAT and other entrance exams next step for most of us is a GROUP DISCUSSION (GD). For any selection process GD is a very critical part. But it is also one of the neglected parts as far as the preparation is concerned. Most of us start preparing for it only after the results are declared. So we get only one month in hand & totally clueless about where to start. This post is for all such aspirants to help them crack their GDs.
GD is a process where a group of individuals is given a topic and they have to discuss about it from various aspects. Usually the topics for GDs can be categorized in 3 categories.
a) Topic based/Factual GD
b) Abstract topics
c) Case studies
1) Topic based/Factual GDs:
Most of the times this type of topics are there for a GD. In this type having knowledge about the topic is very important. This can be further divided in two types-
a) Knowledge based:
Here knowing the topic thoroughly is very important. One should know all the facts and figures related to such topics by and large.
e.g. FDI in multibrand retail in India, Is Janlokpal the solution for fight against corruption, Unique Identity Number: Necessity or fashion, etc.
Here only having an opinion is not enough. Proving your point with substantiating facts is required. While dealing with such kind of GD topics, regular reading is the key to success. Start reading newspaper daily if you haven’t yet.
But most important point in such GDs is, “don’t fake the facts”. Always remember panelist and also your group mates are equally knowledgeable. Any wrong fact you state will decrease your chances of your selection. If you don’t know the facts, wait or try to direct the topic towards the relevant points you know.
b) Opinion based/ Controversial topics:
Such topics usually require the individuals to have an opinion about the topic. Most of the times they generate a controversy among the group. Group gets divided in for and against the notion and then the GD becomes sort of a debate. These topics check the rational thinking or maturity level of an individual.
e.g. Reservation system in India: Boon or Bane, Love marriage Vs. Arrange Marriage, etc.
In such topics one can’t just be diplomatic here. Having an opinion is must. But don’t worry about it. There is no right or wrong opinion. Remember it’s your own opinion. And no opinion is wrong as long as you are able to justify it. Look for opinions and editorials in newspapers. They might help you in taking a stand.
2) Abstract topics:
In this type, the topics are coming out of the blue. They are completely unpredictable. Hence the most important thing here is the interpretation of the topic. In abstract topics panelists want to check one’s ability to interpret a topic and connect it to our lives with relevant points. One will be marked here for creativity & different new dimensions provided to the topic.
e.g. “Red”, Painting versus Photograph, “7”, etc.
Such topics are less knowledge based but more imagination based.
3) Case Studies:
In case studies, a situation or a scenario is provided to students. At the end of the scenario some questions are asked seeking your opinion. Just like opinion based topics, here also you have to have an opinion. Again I would say that no opinion is right or wrong as long as you are able to back it up with some facts from the situation itself. Remember here one has to stick to the information provided in the scenario only. No external information can be assumed. Solution has to be provided by staying within the walls of case. Here mainly your decision making skills are tested.
To know more about cracking a GD, register on StudyPal.co and find a study partner. Find a group to have a discussion with studypal. Because two heads are always better than one.
Register HERE for FREE Mock GD
– StudyPal.co Team

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